I'm glad that you have found my homepage.
It's a pleasure to have you guys here
Please feel free to take a look at my picture.
My homepage is still underconstruction, and it's
not pretty or fansy as others' homepage, but I hope
that all of you will have a great time surfing my homepage.
Here's a picture of me. How do I look? This was taken since
I was a senior at Henry Foss High School.

Hi, My name is Tho. I'm 19 years old. I have been
in the USA for 7 years and now I live in Tacoma,
Washington. I'm a sophomore at Tacoma Community
College. So if you're interested in knowing me more, feel free
to email me anytime you want...24 hours a day
7 days a week.

This picture was taken at the Union Station in
Tacoma, WA. We went to Homecoming together.
At the last moment, we took this picture together

This picture was taken in San Jose, CA.

This is my best homey. His name is Hien.
He's still available, so if you interest in him, email me and let me know.

This is my brothers and sisters.

This is my brother.
Nhu Quynh's Music
Viet Studio Music
Viet Music
Gia Dinh Phat Tu Tai Hoa Ky

Email me on:
[email protected]
